Okay, so this week I wrote about why hauntings occur. Now here are my suggestions on what to do next. This is written from the viewpoint of how I would teach mediums in my weekly circle/class Feel free to ask any questions in the below form. When attempting to get rid of a heebejeebey or energy from a home, it’s important to approach the […]

Part Two-Are you Haunted?

I’ve always wondered why anyone would want to visit a haunted house. Why do we want to be afraid!?  I can only answer that question for myself, of course. There’s a specific feeling of overcoming fear that I love to overcome. I can be proud of each moment in life I’ve overcome a fear and gained a bit more knowledge. Because I’ve been receiving […]

Are You Being Haunted? Why are there Ghosts & Hauntings?

Mother’s Day is rough for some of us. A day adorned with the scent of flowers and the thrill of children rushing to adorn their moms with gifts and breakfast in bed. For those of us who have bid farewell to our moms and those of us that find ourselves without children to call our own, this day can be a painful reminder. As […]

Motherless Mother’s Day

The prime number, 7 and mourning a father. In Numerology, Seven is the protector. It represents the Goddess Athena, and Minerva. It is creativity, intuition, truth, and wisdom.  The A number I believed once was lucky, a sign of enlightenment, and the number chosen by my older brother in baseball. A lucky number to most. It represents the Universe, pure spirit the complete totality […]

The Number Seven #7: Mourning a Father

The Grocery Store Connection Step into my worn-out shoes, where the doldrums of everyday life converge with the subtle hum of the spirit world. —a regular, hardworking individual—on a journey to—yup—the grocery store! As I pushed my shopping cart – you know the one that has the wheel that kind of gets stuck– through the fluorescent-lit aisles of the local grocery store, my mind […]

Does Spirit See Us? Why, yes, & they share cookie ...

Grief, is not a fleeting occurrence that vanishes overnight; rather, it is a process that requires time, patience, and immense self-care. When we experience loss, whether it be the departure of a cherished loved-one, the end of a relationship, or the severing of a professional tie, it strikes at the

Grieving a Loss

From where I stand, as a medium, it would be impossible for me to deny the daily presence of people whom have, “crossed-over”. I receive information about so many people’s lives, their memories, what they loved, and what made them cringe while in this physical realm. Sadly, there seems to never be enough to show someone that this is the truth, besides teaching them […]

Is There an Afterlife?

If you’re a pet owner, you know the look. It’s an unmistakable look of desperation. “Help me”. I can’t imagine they are thinking, “please, bring me to the vet, and have them put me to my eternal rest.” No, they just look up to us humans as having all the answers

Why Can’t Dogs Live Longer?

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve written on my blog. For a while, I thought it was just me that had dropped into a large crater deep into the crust of the earth, otherwise known as my home. Okay, that’s a bit dramatic I suppose. I just ended up spending a whole lot of time at home throughout the pandemic. It […]

Mourning as a Medium

2020 is over. I’m grateful, but the scars of it remain. Ideas about the pandemic, and politics have people still in a form of a holding pattern, and are more divided than I have witnessed in all of my life. People have become very boisterous with their opinions, but they are just that —opinions— There is simply no way possible for anyone to know […]

Politics, Pandemic & Pumpkins Oh My!

It was a gorgeous spring day here in the Midwest. The gorgeous green grass we so look forward to in the long white cold winters here. The air was dewy with dandelions and clover beginning to poke up through the damp ground. I love these days, they feel like life is new again. I had been shopping and couldn’t wait to fill my decorative […]

Book Excerpt: Medium’s Diary

The Crushing Self-Talk It is one of those days, I’m laying in my warm bed, covers up to the chin. I hear rumbling going on downstairs in the kitchen. Please let that be coffee being made, I think to myself. Get up? No, it’s too much, I just…I…cannot…do…it…. The alarm has not gone off yet, that means I have some time left. Check the […]

Trash Talking the Infinitely Worthy

Really, heaven isn’t so far away. Quite frequently, I’m asked, “how is it we can tell when we have a visitor from Spirit?” I believe that it’s probably more rare to not have a visitor. For most of us, on special occasions or when we are not so overly-busy with life (and we can slow down to pay attention) our loved one’s will give […]

Signs, Nudges, and Smacks from Spirit

Warning, this is going to be my nerdiest entry.  It’s my birthday today, so I’m allowing my inner nerd to come out to play! As a young 14 year old, just after getting ready to lie down and get to sleep, I looked  to check to see what time it was on my digital clock, and noticed by my bedroom door, the strangest thing. […]

Why Ghosts Wear Clothes

I know we are all sensitive to various degrees. Reading this may help you understand yourself more or understand someone else, my guess is that you fit in this category in one way or another. Actually, I think everyone is highly sensitive about something. My dogs are highly sensitive somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. if they don’t get their food, I’m going to […]

Are you a highly sensitive person, INFJ?

Today I am praying for all the homeless in nearby cities like Chicago as the thermometer plummets to a low of -29 degrees. Is Chicagoland lacking in places people could go? Are there not enough beds or blankets? Five minutes outside, and you’ll risk frostbite. Yes, tonight there will be deaths due to the cold. We all know this, and at the same time […]

When you feel lack, and anger, that there’s not enough

Don’t talk religion or politics? Okay, I won’t. But I want to. But, I have an idea, let’s just say this is my very humble opinion, and all religion sucks. Why? They make us fight and create wars. Do you think humanity needs religion? I wish we didn’t, but where else would the pious be made to feel like they are better than all […]

Don’t Discuss Religion!

Yup, that title about sums it up. I see beautiful Pintrest posts, beautiful people everywhere, and I wonder, how these people do it. Then I remind myself it’s a facade. As I sit typing on my knee with my non-perfect posture, in men’s boxers on a twenty-year old couch, (not the beautiful clean lily-white desks as seen on YouTube with perfectly assorted books and […]

Life is Messy

The day started with an early morning client with some not so great mojo. Bad mojo cleared away and off this person for them to move on in their life with a bit more clarity and guidance from our loving angels. I quickly yank out sage to smudge after they leave, and burn as if it were a can of Lysol after someone has […]

Let Your Light Shine!

As a young 16 year old child, I can recall my curiosity in psychics. I remember seeing the sign out in front of the mall, me and my pals finally with the freedom to drive deciding to see what it was all about. We went into the mall and dared each other to get a reading. We giggled and joked about what the psychic […]

Spiritual Healing

Ever have one of those days where you think, “wow it’s my day off!” and it evaporated? I have had quite a few of these in the past couple of years. I absolutely love my work, but the days I’m not working, I try to play catch up. I write a to do list, check the news, look at Facebook, Grab some java, and […]

Escape Stuck Mode

Written my dear friend Andrew Roberts, an excellent medium from the UK, whom recently lost his beloved father from this earth. May you and Sarah dance together always! Okay, so yes. I agree with Elizabeth Kublar-Ross. There are many steps to getting through the mourning process. This is just what has personally helped me cope with loss, sadness, and anger. All those freaky emotions […]

Three Steps to Relieve Yourself of Sadness, Depression, and Mourning

A few times a year a client comes in after a “ghost hunt”. They want to know why they didn’t experience anything. As a medium, it’s the idea of “ghost hunting”, has always baffled me. My thinking has always been, if you believe in ghosts, then you believe that these are incarnate people, right? Would you hunt people? Stop reading now if you answered […]

7 Ways to Catch a Ghost

I once asked a friend what she learned in fifty years of marriage. My dear bud looked up at me, smiled and said, “well, I learned how to lie, cheat, and steal!” If you knew her you’d laugh. She was in her mid 80’s and had ten kids. My very definition of a saint. We talked about everything under the sun. My horses, her […]

A Word on Love and relationships

Throughout the years, I’ve heard some super crazy stories about different psychics. I’ll share a silly story a bit later of my own experience. Of course, if you can afford a psychic medium like John Edward or Allison Dubois, the supreme psychic mediums, you can ignore this. If not, please read on. This is a profession that anyone can pop up a sign and […]

Scam Alert!!!

There are many ways to go about this. By now, you know I’m not big into dogma. I don’t believe one way is better than any other, but what I do believe is that I have my own preferred way to work. You may already have your own, and that’s great! It’s by us sharing our ways of what works, and the mistakes we’ve made that […]

How to Spiritually Cleanse a House!

My dear empathic friend, Today I am writing to you to share a few things I’ve learned about you throughout the years. You make the world a brighter place. You are a true artisan, a poet, a healers, a recluse, and I know that you would rather spend the day with a dog, bird or horse, than another human. You are that person that […]

A letter to Empaths

This event occurred back in 2015, a typical muggy Illinois summer. I get the call, a man in his mid-50’s, sounding a bit upset. He had been hospitalized recently due to many varying conditions. He stated that he had, well, a not so nice resident inside his home that was fighting a very unfair battle, because he couldn’t see the aggressor. This was in […]

Crossing Him to the other side

What an experience visiting Willow Creek farm was. Actually it was a dark cold stormy day, that I didn’t  want to wake up. My body said sleep! So, I decided just a few snoozes and I’d get going. One led into the next. Slumber on a Saturday morning in Spring while it rains? Oh heck yeah. I’m transported to a couch sitting there beside […]

Haunted Willow Creek Farm-

Mentors have probably been around as long as humanity. We learn from each other. There are a variety of types, we call them: Teachers Trainers Coaches Counselors Gurus Anything that I’ve wanted to do well at, I’ve had a mentor for. Some of the best and most wonderful relationships in life are with our mentors. A mentor can be free of charge, and some […]

A Medium’s Diary

Well, I’m special and so are you, but if you have this “mediumship” thaaaaang you may feel crazy. Most my life, I heard over and over you’re just too sensitive.  You are just too this or that, you’re a sensitive red-head. Oh Labels….while my siblings were getting all kinds of other labels like; Doctor, Attorney, Millionaire Money Guru, I received labels like; ADHD, MS, […]

Are ya crazy or are ya “special”?

photo of sky 2
As I got in my car to meet some clients yesterday, an old friend popped by. Now when I say, “popped”, I mean he’s someone I had not thought of since 1993-1994? So when he came by unannounced, I knew there was a reason.  The last time I saw him was at a birthday party a friend had for me. It was before I […]

A Medium’s Diary #4 Hello From Heaven!