Part Two-Are you Haunted?

Okay, so this week I wrote about why hauntings occur. Now here are my suggestions on what to do next. This is written from the viewpoint of how I would teach mediums in my weekly circle/class Feel free to ask any questions in the below form.

When attempting to get rid of a heebejeebey or energy from a home, it’s important to approach the situation with sensitivity, respect, and an open mind. Here are several key considerations:

1. Evaluate the Situation: Determine if the disturbances can be explained by natural causes such as faulty wiring, drafts, or structural issues.

Refer to the list on hauntings part 1. If the house is cluttered or dirty ask that it be cleaned and organized. Dirty and dark homes = low vibes— do as I say not as I do. 🤣 My name ain’t Martha.

2. Remain Calm: Stay calm and rational to avoid making impulsive decisions based on fear. If you feel afraid, do not do the job. Some energies/ people feed on fear. Energy Vampire anyone?

3. Protection of self: do not go into a basement of a home you don’t know. Realtors know this, you need to know this too. Basements are an easy way to trap an unsuspecting person. Never go alone — be smart about all things you do to protect yourself. Bring any talismans you believe in: holy water, oils, sage—chocolate!!! Anything to raise up the vibe. I’m more afraid of the living than the departed.

4. Make sure your vibe is high 1st!

5. Document the Activity: video, audio record all you see and do. Of course, ask permission 1st. Ask for the home owner to document past occurrences and to keep a record of occurrences, including dates, times, and descriptions of events, an all people involved.

6. Understand the History: Research the history of the house and any previous occupants to gather context about potential sources of the haunting. Library and internet resources help a great deal. Ask family members and friends — with permission again of course.

7. Paranormal Experts: Consider consulting a reputable paranormal investigator who can provide an objective assessment. Most will not charge if reputable except for travel expenses and time from work.

8. Mediums: A medium or spiritual leader can often offer insights or assist in communicating with the spirit allowing them to tell their story, close portals and vortexes etc. if you don’t know what those are ask a medium.

9. Blessing or Cleansing: Perform a house blessing or cleansing ceremony using methods like smudging with sage, sprinkling holy water, or reciting prayers or mantras— intention is everything while doing these (along with all those in the past who have used the type of ritual with the same intentions!).

10. Do not put any barrier up that can block a removal such as salt or bad intentions open a door or window (make sure that’s ok and watch out for pets!).

11. Rituals and Offerings: Some cultures and traditions recommend specific rituals or offerings to appease or encourage the spirit to move on. Once at an American Indian burial site, we offered tobacco, and other items.

12. Communicate with the spirit to learn why they are there and tell their story. Explain that they can much better help any situation while in God’s light and love much more than they can where they are.

13. All energies can be surrounded by love and light from the power of God – lower vibration energies may seem afraid of this having been lied to that it will hurt them. After time they will see and understand that this is a lie. Ask for and pray to Saint Michael for assistance (before during and after)

14. Positive Energy: Introduce positive energy into the home through activities like playing uplifting music, decorating with meaningful symbols, and ensuring the house is bright and clean. Never ever under any circumstances state out loud or internally (since we know we communicate with thoughts) that the spirit does not want to leave! Ever. We know that already or they would not be there!

15. Personal Mindset: Maintain a positive and respectful mindset towards the spirit and the process of clearing it from the home. We don’t hunt people.

16. Do not ever empty a space without filling it with love and God’s light. We don’t wish to leave a void of energy to be filled with other than love. ❤️

17. Avoid Provocation: Do not engage in activities that might provoke or antagonize the spirit, such as using Ouija boards or attempting amateur exorcisms. Have empathy, how would you feel with a stranger yelling at you to make yourself known?

18. Respect the Spirit: Approach the situation with respect and empathy, recognizing that the spirit is more than likely a former human being with unresolved issues.

19. Mental Health: Consider consulting a mental health professional if the experience is causing significant stress or anxiety. Make sure beforehand that there is no drug use, alcoholism or mental illness before any clearing.

20. Legal Rights: Be aware of any legal considerations, such as disclosing the haunting to potential buyers if selling the property, depending on local laws.

21. Continued Monitoring: Continue to monitor the situation after any interventions to ensure that the activity has ceased. Dont take on a job unless you plan to make sure it is completed. If you cannot complete, find assistance.

22. Now salt is ok to provide a barrier, prayers for peace, and move furniture around to create new energy flow.

23. Again Seek Further Assistance: If the problem persists, consider further assistance from other experts or additional spiritual practices.

24. After a clearing sometimes there are reverberations that can continue- see list from blog 1 on hauntings.

Balancing respect for both the spirit and the well-being of the household members is crucial when dealing with potential hauntings.